What are some ways to deal with failure?

The reason why we suffer after failing is because we feel ashamed (i.e. our pride is hurt), and/or we feel like we’ve missed out on an opportunity in life (this is due to our inferiority complex/greed). Through meditation we can get rid of our pride, inferiority complex, and greed. The more we do this, the less we will get hung up in situations where things don’t go as we had hoped.

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What are the habits of highly successful people?

Successful people have already realized the importance of reflecting on their inner selves and managing their minds in their lives. Meditation is to reflect on yourself. A person who grows rapidly is a person who is able to look back on oneself. It is essential to take time to evaluate how I lived and what I need to improve for succeeding and improving myself.

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What are the best methods to relieve stress?

Through meditation, I was able to look back on myself objectively, and free myself from that mind world of pictures, which was the cause of my stress. As I meditated more my self-centered mind became wider and wider and I could understand myself and others so much better. I could see that this wider mind was my true mind as my happiness kept increasing.

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How do I track my self improvement every day?

Meditation is my greatest tool for sustaining my next action rather than giving up on my thoughts in the middle. The more I discard, the easier it is to act. I’m discarding anxieties about starting social media when I meditate. As I discarded, anxiety and doubts faded away. Now I started to set a plan for my blog instead of worrying without taking action.

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How do I survive in the corporate world?

Meditation is helping me accept my managers and co-workers. I used to think other people were the cause of my unhappiness. I realized others were not the problem and myself was the problem. Through meditation, I am looking at myself who judges co-workers, managers, clients and I am letting go of these thoughts I created. This has allowed me to accept where I am and find happiness inside me.

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