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How can I become creative?

What worked for me was meditation. Totally unexpected benefit.

From young, I’ve never viewed myself as the creative or artsy sort. I can’t draw, play music, sing, dance, play games creatively, write poems, do theatre or think outside the box.

Surprisingly, after cleansing the mind through meditation for some time, I could:

1. Approach issues from various angles

A friend/colleague said to me last Friday that I asked questions that she didn’t think of and it helped her view issues and solutions from different angles. This is the first time anyone has said I was providing creative solutions.

2. Easily connect dots and suggest ideas at work that were accepted by counterparts globally

This came from observing what the local team needed, connecting the dots and pitching the concept idea back to a wider global team so that we can put in system enhancements.

3. Write a short poem for the first time in my entire life. And in Malay (not my first language)!

4. Do simple, basic drawings. I’ve never been able to draw before this.

(Finally got a rabbit to look like a rabbit! 😊 Recreated from one of my favourite meditation stories)

All these just came naturally after cleansing the mind for some time through meditation.

It was actually my own self-limiting beliefs that stopped me from being creative. And what the meditation did was to remove the blockages, brought me closer to the true mind and broadened my viewpoint. With a broader perspective, possibilities and confidence increased and it allowed me to do the things that I never once thought I could do.

So, if someone like me who was never creative can finally do it – you definitely can too!

Hope this helps. Thank you! 💛

If you want to learn how to meditate and practice, schedule your free 30-minute consultation. Thank you!