Teacher Woo Myung – Words of Wisdom – The Best Education

This is Human Completion Education that teaches people Truth. If people learn this first before studying knowledge at school, various fields of studies will be able to advance further. Religions become one, and as the world becomes one through peace, everyone lives having become one without distinction between "you" and "me". It is a happy world to live in, and only such a world exists.

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What are some ways to grow spiritually and mentally?

Living a life of repentance, achieved by eliminating your mind through meditation, charts the course toward spiritual and mental growth, steering us toward becoming grounded and wise. The more we liberate our minds from clutter, the more our true and wise selves emerge from within. The source is within us—it's just a matter of uncovering it, a treasure within.

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How can I make my life more positive?

The questions and answers were all within me. Through meditation, I was able to see the negative mind that was covering the positive mind and learned how to throw it away. To plant new trees, we cut off the branches of the tree, cut down the pillars, and pull out the roots. After that, we can plant new trees. We need that process, too.

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How do you handle negative criticisms about you?

A sound mindset goes something like this: Life is not here to fight us. We don’t have to defend ourselves against life. Instead, life is a benevolent force that through circumstances, people, and challenges guides us towards growth. Everything happens for a reason, every person is there for a reason, and everything is perfect. Every moment is a chance for us to grow and ultimately realize our true (higher) self.

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How does one succeed in life?

“Do what you’ll enjoy, something that will make you smile.” What’s the point of working in a renowned company and making millions every year if you can’t smile or enjoy what you do? It would be torture, not work. And you can try and make the result of that torture look nice but people can always tell because that is the truth.

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What are some ways to deal with failure?

The reason why we suffer after failing is because we feel ashamed (i.e. our pride is hurt), and/or we feel like we’ve missed out on an opportunity in life (this is due to our inferiority complex/greed). Through meditation we can get rid of our pride, inferiority complex, and greed. The more we do this, the less we will get hung up in situations where things don’t go as we had hoped.

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