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What are some good habits to follow?

I’ve been loving writing about habits lately, both as a process of continuous self reflection, and because I feel I’m becoming an expert at changing bad habits considering how many I used to have!

I have to say, I can NOT understate the importance of clearing away the bad habits FIRST, before you try building anything good. Habits will determine the course of your life, so it’s been so important for me to get rid of my bad habits 1 by 1 and build good habits 1 by 1.


Everything below, I knew in my mind. I had read it all for years and years and years, but was never able to put it into practice consistently, and I always saw myself as a complete failure and I’d never be able to change. But that was a lie a cleared from my mind of lies. It makes me so passionate to want to see you break free from that false self in your mind!

1. As soon as I wake up, I read my gratitude journal from the night before, along with how I humbled myself to the world and my 3 questions I got from Jay Shetty:

  • How will I serve today?
  • What do I love about myself?
  • What do I want to be?

2. Exercise first thing in the morning as way of getting some good blood flow. More and more I am learning that exercise needs to be matched to your body type and your goals. Currently I do a lot of HIIT classes and resistance training.

3. Planning with intention is very important! I have my life’s purpose and the plan to get there written on a 2-page document on my wall. From there I extract my weekly goals and daily goals, so I have a process I follow every day which I’m continuously revising and improving depending on results. As I run a non-profit meditation centre, my main goal is to help as many people as possible, so the results are – are people joining, and am I able to help them so they see the benefit enough to stay?

4. Meditation is the next thing I do and probably the most important of all of my daily habits. I’m a meditation guide, so as I help people, I also clear away anything that’s on my mind and it clears up my mind for the day. Most importantly though, bad habits are very deep rooted (VERY!). The majority of my time I am clearing away lingering bad habits which are causing damage in my body / mind.

5. Try and complete my most difficult and most important tasks in the morning. Although, I must admit, I do tend to gravitate towards things I find the most fun, so this is an area of my life that needs improvement

6. Eat a healthy, plant-based diet, trying to get at least 30 different types of plants throughout the week to rebuild my microbiome. My bad habits of smoking, alcohol, drugs, binge eating, and stress eating have totally ruined my gut bacteria, so it’s taking some work to rebuild, but I can feel myself getting healthier all the time

7. Afternoon slump walk. This is one of my favourite parts of the day where my energy is low, I use the time to go for a walk and deliver some meditation brochures to people’s mailboxes. I also listen to podcasts during this time and expand my knowledge so I can move with the changing times and continue to try and provide value to everyone around me

8. I always read something, even if it’s just 1 page as I find this a really good habit to “connect the dots” of knowledge in my mind and stay in tune with the world

9. My daily trading and investment management is a process I also try to honour to hone my investment skills so I can use that money to help my meditation centre and future meditation centres…. I have big dreams, and they all need a lot of money so the discipline and routine is important to me

10. I end the night with my probiotics, and my gratitude journalling, how I humbled myself for the day, and my 3 questions….

And then I repeat.

If you want to learn how to meditate to help you build up good habits, schedule your free 30-minute consultation. Thank you!