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Why am I so anxious all the time?

It might seem “obvious”, but the reason why you’re so anxious all the time is because you keep having many anxious thoughts.

When you were born, you had a body. Along with that body, you had all the habits from your parents and ancestors in every single one of your cells. From that moment on, you started inprinting in your mind the memory of your life.

The body is just like a camera with the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and body itself. Everything you saw, heard, smelled, tasted and felt are all pictures in your brain like a reel of film. You have 10,000’s of those kinds of “pictures” from your whole life in there. So all the thoughts you have come from those memories.

This is where the anxiety comes from.

All your anxious thoughts come from those kinds of pictures that you possess in your mind, which is why you have anxiety. You see, hear, feel and continuously think about the things you have in your mind. It’s like a mind world! That mind world of pictures that you have made is your mind, and I refer to it as the human mind world, which is just lie.

It seems like “hey I’m living in the world and this is all real”. But actually, you’re living in your mind world – it’s just a lie made of pictures. That’s why all of your thoughts and actions are based on those pictures that your mind of lies holds onto – all that anxiety.

This is why you have anxiety.

I’ve been able to discard anxiety from my mind through meditation. If you keep completely discard that fake mind, not only do you become free from anxiety, you also find your real mind.

It’s already there, buried within your mind. Wanting to be free from anxiety is like a subconscious desire for finding that true mind. But we always look somewhere outside, but it doesn’t exist there, because it exists within you. If it did, everyone would have already found it by now, the internet’s been around for decades!

The thoughts and feelings create the anxiety, and because you’re trapped in those pictures, it’s like hell isn’t it? You don’t want the anxiety, but it just keeps happening. I can relate! But once you find that peace within you, free from the anxiety, it’s like heaven, it’s bliss – that freedom. ! I’m not religious, but I realize this is what they’re talking about in all the scriptures, we all made in our minds a false mind world of lies and live there.

But we didn’t know how to get rid of anxiety from the mind, there wasn’t anyone who showed us this before.

So you have to find it within you.

Find that freedom and peace within your true mind and the method to live like heaven. All you need to do is clean your mind, which is full of lies, and that’s it.

If you discard all of that mind which is fake and become your real mind, then all the anxiety is gone. You won’t be anxious all the time 🙂

If you want to learn how to meditate and practice, schedule your free 30-minute consultation. Thank you!